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BJ White

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Member of our Galactic Marketing Team You Are the Reason. ♡ <3 A sign of weakness is a sign of the strength. ~Seeking outside is to seek inside for we see the world how we are, not as it is.~ Communication is omni ~ Therefore, we Are it. You are Me. We are You.~ "God invented plant life so water could stand up and look at the Sun" My latest research and solutions project is Fractal Life Solutions (www.fractal-life.com) where I focus on solutions for life enhancement, and starting with water, mostly. There is MUCH more to life and water (and consciousness) than we were taught in school. Water has AMAZING properties. I am studying from the top scientists in the new fractal field. It applies across the board to all sciences and philosophies, however! Absolutely paramount to advancing the human race, if you ask me, because it includes all current science and steps beyond it with solid scientific studies to show it. i.e.-sedimentation and plant growth highly increase when you change the structure of water! I also design graphics for web, CD covers, flash, gaming, etc. I am in a HUGE life transition for myself and for my own realization and empowerment of who I truly Am. I am undergoing a transformation of career via all these other changes. The only truth really is Us. We are all One consciousness. And it is a science! Accepted science? Not quite yet in humanity. Coming soon! The deeper meaning to life and the potential in us all is amazing and so beautiful, many people ignore it in themselves. Afraid of ourselves? I want to interact with those that wish to explore this together. This includes not taking ourselves so seriously we get lost, because this Universe is diverse and unlimited. Literally. We can do anything, and be anything. The choice literally is our own. I am truly beginning to see this in everyone I meet and know, now! I love it! Plus, I feel surrounded by support from friends and family! The Universe is here with Us, Now. Progressing human consciousness. Namaste~


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